About Me

My name is Jeffrey Chen; I am a student of Oak Ridge High School and member of the Academy for Careers in Engineering and Science.

I’m specializing in science and engineering, and have taken three years of Engineering Design. I have the SolidWorks Associate Certification in Mechanical Design and have been honored to receive the American Society of Mechanical Engineering Award for Fluid Mechanics for my aerodynamics project in the 2023 Science and Engineering Fair of Houston.

I’m always seeking opportunities to grow not only as a scholar but as a person.


 What am I up to?

Attending Boys State

I was nominated by my teachers to go to the prestigious Boys State leadership and government program. I was elected to the Senate.

Prepping for All-State Choir

I'm studying music for the All-State Choir competition; a highly competitive process to get into the All-State Choir. I've always loved choir, and this year I intend to win.

Programming a project

I've been programming since I was 10 years old, and I still do it in my free time. Right now I'm doing something just for fun.